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您当前位置: 首页 > 器材点评 > JBL音响STX系列承上启下的多面手


时间:2012-07-16  作者:  来源:av001

  神州音响网讯 STX800系列即可匹配高端的VTX系统,支持PerformanceManager 和Crown IT HD功放,亦可搭配便捷的PRX系列。它体现了JBL精湛的制造工艺,人体工程学,超强的功率负载和多功能特性于一身的结晶品。

  JBL STX800系列包括:12英寸,2路STX812M;15英寸,2-STX815M;双15英寸,2路STX825;双15英寸,槽装3路STX835 18英寸STX818S,重低音;和18英寸双STX828 低音喇叭



  Playback the last 50 years of music and motion picture recording and one name stands alone: JBL. Before THX and Dolby, before stereo and even hi-fi, there was JBL. Today, JBL’s well-earned reputation has placed its speakers in 70% of all professional institutions, including legendary recording studios, famous concert venues and premier movie houses. Throughout those 50 years of technical breakthroughs, award winning designs and continuing innovations the facts still remain: JBL loudspeakers continue to be the one benchmark for quality, the singular reference for accuracy in the play back of recorded sounds; the leader, the innovator, the authority.


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