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时间:2008-12-16  作者:  来源:慧聪网

This area is tricky. Room frequency “build-ups” and “suck outs” have a major influence. Condensers are the typical choice but each room sounds different, so try every mic that’s left over. It’s a good idea to use two of the same model with the overheads.


You might think an omni pickup pattern would work well, meaning the condenser mics would hear behind as well as the sides. Maybe, but I use cardioid most of the time. Start by placing the mics about 15 feet in front of the drums, about four feet above the floor. Spread apart the mics around eight feet or more, using the bass drum as center.


This is what works for me in my studio, but every studio will have “sweet spots” so experiment! Even a “semi-dead room” might like room mics.


It is possible to use more room mics, especially if the room is big with high ceilings. If this is the case, for high distant miking, try the Neumann M50 (nickel capsule is best) which is designed to be a room mic. This mic sounds bright even when distant from the sound source. It’s a hard mic to find, but it’s great for this application.



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